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Interfacing the Neuromuscular System
Related to the lecture „Movement Neuroscience“
Basic Information
- Subject: Interfacing the Neuromuscular System, 5 ECTS, SoSe 2023
- Date: 28 July 2023
- Type of Exam: Multiple choice - online StudOn exam
- Examiner: Prof. Alessandro Del Vecchio's team
- Grade: Unknown, expecting 2.0
- Undergone Preparation: Attended all lectures except one (guest lecture), personal notes, slides, recorded lectures, study session with an actual doctor, studied concepts and techniques from lab sessions, creating questions on Smashmedicine
- How was the atmosphere? It was relaxed, the tutors were short staffed so in case of technical issues, you'd have to wait until someone else's issues were resolved. This could've been critical given that it was a timed StudOn exam so if you ran out of time while having technical issues, it would be troublesome.
- Did you feel time pressure? No, it was balanced well. There were 30 questions to be done in 30 minutes but I could finish early and go over my answers 1-2 times.
- Did you think the exam and grading was fair? Not entirely. I say this because Prof. Del Vecchio would often miss out on using technical terms in class MANY TIMES and there is not much text to study from. You'd have to rely a lot on external sources to understand what Prof. Del Vecchio is even referring to. In such cases, you don't even know what potential topics/terms you are missing out on since this is a minor subject and this could be the first time we are introduced to any sort of concept in this field.
- Have there been any things that took you by surprise? Yup, some questions were really simple that you start questioning your own knowledge. Some questions had terms that the lecturer hasn't even mentioned in class but explained only its concept.
- Did lecturer provide enough content to study from? It's 50-50. There was enough to pass the exam but they fell short with the absence of ACTUAL TEXT! It was mostly visual study aids. The lecturer also said we would be able to access a Question Bank to study from on SmashMedicine. However, there were only 3 questions in the bank and they relied on student's questions, not their own. I wanted to be able to get a 1.0 so I even studied with a doctor to get the concepts right.
Exam Questions
- <question from examiner>
- <another question from examiner><another answer of yours>
- <question from examiner><your answer>
- <another question from examiner><another answer of yours>