Calculator during exams

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Calculator during exams
Hey there, I was looking through the old exam provided to us (SS17) and saw that the students needed to calculate information gain in task 4.
Since I’m not capable of calculating log_2 in my head I wanted to ask whether we may use a calculator or get a logarithm table handed to us during the exam in case another task like this occurs again.

I’m starting to feel trolled…

(Sorry, but I’ve heard this question way too often now ^^)

Regarding the solutions provided with the earlier exams, I refer to

tl;dr: just because the solutions contain the full computations doesn’t mean you’re expected to do them. Those solutions were intended for the people grading the exam so they didn’t have to look things up in the lecture notes, and are often just copied from former homework.

Whoops, sorry, seems like I missed that thread ^^’
Thanks for the answer