Mock exam?

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Mock exam?
Maybe I missed something, but will there be a mock exam or maybe a real exam from previous semesters? I only found ones for KI1 and the summer term ones seem to be copies of the winter term ones.

yeah, something’s wrong there… I’ll talk to PRof. Kohlhase about doing a mockexam this year; if not I’ll give you the exam for last year so you know what to expect

@Jazzpirate: Reminder :wink:

Thanks for the reminder.

I uploaded the exam for last year and the retake exam from last semester:

Solutions will follow next week. The reason being, that they contain solutions to exercises very similar to the next exercise sheet (which I’m fine with in principle, but I don’t want to make copying-answers-and-exchanging-numbers so easy as to be highly incentivized - the point being that you’re supposed to think first and algorithmically follow a pre-established method later :wink: ).

Nothing to see here. Please move on. This is a simple reminder on uploading the solutions. :wink:

3 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks for the reminder:

Note that 1. Not all exercises have solutions 2. Some solutions are overkill.

The former is the case for the kinds of questions that ask you to explain something. Obviously, there’s no one correct solution to those questions, hence I didn’t formulate one (although the solutions usually contain an equation if one was demanded or is required for a valid answer). The overkill solutions are those that involve actual computations, which you’re not supposed to do during an exam, but is illustrative (that is usually the case if we just reformulated an exercise that was given as homework. The number’s are there for grading homework, but you’re not supposed to compute them in an exam setting)

Thanks. Could you please briefly explain the formal difference between causal and diagnostic? Is it just that causal dependencies are robust and diagnostic ones may change due to given circumstances?

It’s literally just the direction of an arrow in a bayesian network :wink: (or the order of variables in a conditional probability).

Since corellation and conditional dependency are symmetric relations, it’s a priori not obvious whether e.g. to draw an arrow from A to B or from B to A. We call an arrow causal if it points from the cause to the effect and diagnostic if it’s the other way around.

I’d maybe think about it as deductive vs. inductive reasoning - causal arrows are deductive in the sense that IF the cause is the case, THEN the effect will occur with some probability. That is „stable“ in the sense that what else causes the effect or what other effects the cause might have don’t matter and don’t impact this probability. However, diagnostic arrows are more like „If this is the effect, then the likely cause of it is that“ - which is inductive reasoning, and the resulting probability depends on all possible causes the effect might have.

The probability that e.g. cold symptoms are due to an influenza virus is usually rather small, but probably changes during influenza season. Conversely, the probability that influenza causes cold symptoms is stable.

While we’re at it: two variables that are both causes of the same effect are a nice example for a situation where two variables are (usually) statistically independent, but (given the effect) not conditionally independent :wink: If I know that the effect occurs, then whether the first cause has occured will impact the probability that the second cause has, since one of them is (most likely) the case (because of the effect), but (probably) not both (since they’re independent).

Dennis; the “points” in the exam look ver strange - 14 points and minus 111 points XD?

Can you say something about whether there’ll be excess points in the new exam as well :)?

Ignore the points, they are the result of tex macros that went wrong :smiley:

Regarding excess points: Probably not, since you already get bonus points from your homework. But I don’t know yet; I’m just now designing a first draft for the exam.