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# -*- encoding:latin-1 -*-
# vim:fenc=latin1
## $Id$

## valid keys:
#  ----------
#  Category?                              (should always be on top!)
#  Question                               (should always stand after Category)
#  Answer                                 (will be matched if no regexp is provided)
#  Regexp?                                (use UNIX-style expressions)
#  Author?                                (the brain behind this question)
#  Level? [baby|easy|normal|hard|extreme] (difficulty)
#  Comment?                               (comment line)
#  Score? [#]                             (credits for answering this question)
#  Tip*                                   (provide one or more hints)
#  TipCycle? [#]                          (Specify number of generated tips)

## Demo-Entry:
#  ----------
#  Category: Geschichte
#  Question: Chinesischer Philosoph (um 500 v. Chr.) ?
#  Answer: Konfuzius
#  Regexp: [ck]onfu(ts|z)ius
#  Author: anonymous
#  Level: hard
#  Comment: demo-entry, ÄÖÜäöüß ^° !"§$%&/()=? `´
#  Score: 5
#  Tip: Kon......
#  Tip: ...fuz...
#  Tip: ......ius

#Category: ThI

#  -------
#  you may add as much comments as you want into the part above
#  <!========================================================!>

Category: ThI
Question: Ein Baum enthaelt keinen ...?
Answer: Kreis

Category: ThI
Question: Typ-1-Sprachen sind ...?
Answer: kontextsensitiv

Category: ThI
Question: Typ-3-Sprachen sind ...?
Answer: regulaer

Category: ThI
Question: Typ-2-Sprachen sind ...?
Answer: kontextfrei 

Category: ThI
Question: Womit laesst sich zeigen, dass eine Sprache nicht regulaer ist?
Regexp: Pumping[- ]Lemma
Answer: Pumping Lemma

Category: ThI
Question: Typ dieser Sprache: L = { a^n b^n | n >= 1 }
Answer: kontextfrei

Category: ThI
Question: Satz von Myhill-Nerode: Eine Sprache L ist genau dann ..., wenn der Index von R_L endlich ist.
Answer: regulaer