Questions about the solutions for the exam from 2019

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Questions about the solutions for the exam from 2019
I tried doing the exam from 2019 and I have some questions about some answers.

  • Either I’m completely lost or the solution for 3.2 is wrong. Shouldn’t it be:
  1. A = 8, B= 8, C = 2, D = 6
  2. B
  3. O, H (R, S), I (T, U), K (Y, Z)
  • For 5.2 I don’t understand why we do the steps 6 and 8. Can we not just assume R(c, X) in step 7. Why do we need to substitute the X with a d?

Pls send help!

I’m assuming you mean WS1819/exam.

You’re right about 3.2. I’ve fixed it.

The solution for 5.2 is unnecessarily convoluted.

Thank you!

nevermind… :smiley: