[Official] Assignment 9+10

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[Official] Assignment 9+10
Because we’re doing Kalah tomorrow, there won’t be enough new material for a full A9 this week.

So A9 will combine the material for this week and next week. It might appear a bit later than usual.

That will be the last graded assignment. But I don’t expect grading will be done before the exam.

I plan to publish an ungraded A10 for the material of the last week.

Assignment 9 posted

Question Regarding 9.3

I have a question regarding 9.3 about the heuristics. Does “the number of balls not yet in room B” only considers the balls on the ground, i.e. balls need to be dropped off?
Or does it also include the robot, i.e. robot has a ball in its gripper and moves to B → reduces the number of balls by 1 (and 2 respectively if it carries 2)?

Thanks in advance!

How are we supposed to discuss errors in the last assignment in our tutorials if we can submit solutions until next friday and on monday is the exam?

It feels as if you are only interested in banging through the same material as always. And it does not matter that we students have to work our asses off due to this short semester. How are we supposed to really learn the stuff if we have no time at all to engage with the content in greater depth?

10 „Gefällt mir“

Problem 9.2 (STRIPS Modeling)
Encode the following problems as STRIPS planning tasks (Definition15.3.2 in the slides):
(Definition 15.3.2 in the slides) ==> 16.3.2



According to the unpublished “official” solution it’s not including the ball(s) the robot is holding.

Best regards, Tobi

Totally on your side.

2 „Gefällt mir“

It’s meant to be the number of balls, for which the task has not been completed yet.


That’s difficult. But there’s no way around that when the exam gets scheduled the way it is.

You should discuss any questions you have in the plenary sessions or the tutorials this week.

The alternative would have been not to have A9 at all or not to grade it, neither of which would have been better.

This is still not precise, since the assignment doesn’t say if the task is completed while the robot has the last ball in his gripper hand, or if he has to drop it. Latter seems way more reasonable, but the text says „The goal demands that all balls be located in room B“, and obviously, this is the case as soon the robot enters room 2 with the last ball in his hand. This makes a huge difference for the answers. I’m going to go with this interpretation now.

How are we supposed to discuss errors in the last assignment in our tutorials if we can submit solutions until next friday and on monday is the exam?

It feels as if you are only interested in banging through the same material as always. And it does not matter that we students have to work our asses off due to this short semester. How are we supposed to really learn the stuff if we have no time at all to engage with the content in greater depth?
[/quote]It’s the same every year. Last year they didn’t ever correct all submissions before the exam.

Solutions to a9 posted


https://kwarc.info/teaching/AI/assignments.pdf here
Do you see it? maybe delete website data. if you do not see it i could send it to you via E-Mail :slight_smile:

Thanks I can see it now <_<