Inconsistency in definitions

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Inconsistency in definitions
On slide 232 in the notes we defined C:={C_uv| u,v ∈ V, u≠v}. How can on slide 250 C_uv not be in C? I think you mean C_uv=D_u x D_v instead of C_uv ∉C

But Cᵤᵥ = Dᵤ x Dᵥ would imply C’ᵤᵥ ⊆Cᵤᵥ so that case distinction wouldn’t make sense anymore…

My guess is that slide 250 is based on a slightly different definition where Cᵤᵥ ∉ C is a different way of saying Cᵤᵥ = Dᵤ x Dᵥ, i.e. there are no constraints between U and V. From a mathematical point of view it doesn’t help us but when it comes to implementations it could really help when the constraints are “sparse”.

My guess is that it shoud be C’[sub]uv[/sub] ∉ C that would mean that we have added a constraint that isn’t in the original C.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thanks for the notification, that is actually a typo, it should be C’_uv\notin C’, i.e. the C’_uv is new.
The idea is that there are two ways of tightening: adding constraints and making the relations C_uv smaller.
I have fixed this in the slides.

I think you misunderstood my problem.

C’_uv ∉ C’ can not be true according to definition on slide 232 in my opinion.

Thats exactly the point. I think you can just cut the first part and everything is fine and exactly as Prof. Kohlhase wanted it to be :).