[Official] Retake Exam Date for AI-I (for WS19/20 in SS 2020)

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[Official] Retake Exam Date for AI-I (for WS19/20 in SS 2020)
Dear Students,

I just got notified of the exam date for AI-II. It is August 10. 2020. The time does not seem determined yet. It is also marked in https://www.campus.uni-erlangen.de

Michael Kohlhase

Sorry, this has to be “exam date for AI-I” (typo above).

[Official] Bonus Points count!
Dear Students,

We often get asked whether the bonus points will be applied to the retake exam as well.
Of course they will, just as if you had taken the original exam (if you pass the exam of course)!

Michael Kohlhase