Happy Index Emails are broken

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Happy Index Emails are broken
Good morning,

apparently the standup emails are broken.
I have sent a mail last night and nobody received it, so we tested it again this morning and they are still not coming through.


Hi Andreas,

It’s difficult for me to debug the happiness index. In the past days, we experienced some problems with students who were trying to send emails via their @fau addresses.

I’ll ask my colleague who is also named Andreas and developed the happiness index, if he has any other information to help you :slight_smile:

Viele Grüße,

PS: Kudos for raising that question in the right spot - the FSI forum :slight_smile:

Hi Andreas,

thanks for posting. I noticed an unusual zero requests when I logged into the SendGrid dashboard this morning, too.
So yes, I can confirm this is an issue affecting all standup emails a.t.m.

I have a hunch what might have possibly broken during the investigation of the issue that opccasionally affected receipients with FAU addresses, but I can’t say for sure.
I will look into it, and will post an update here when there is new information to share. Right now I can not give you an estimate on when normal operation might resume.


Alright, then. Email service is running again.

This does not fix the issue that for some who used their FAU address this does not seem super reliable because RRZE sometimes rejects the standup emails as spam.

I can confirm it’s working again, thank you for fixing it this quickly.
