Bonus points of previous AI exams

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Bonus points of previous AI exams
Dear Students,

[I will not comment the conditions of yesterday’s exam; there was a problem, and we dealt with it as best we could]

BUT before you get into a frenzy about bonus points of previous AI exams, let me say a few words
Predicting the future from the past is never an easy enterprise, but if you attempt it.

  1. there is no legal or moral imperative for me to keep the level of bonus points stable over the years
  2. make sure that you have your facts straight before you make any decisions on “past behavior”.
    a. I know that the published WS201819.pdf says that there were 25 bonus points, but this was a regression of the LaTeX style. Fact is that there were no bonus points at all in that exam (none announced in the printed exam, and none given in the calculuation). In fact, examSS19.pdf has the same LaTeX regression and announces -111 bonus points.
    b. you could have asked me or Katja about 25 bonus points and I would have directly told you that this sounds wrong and would have checked.

So I am sure that you do not want to clamor for the “good old days” in this respect.

Michael Kohlhase

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Needless to say, we will correct the old exams so that no more misconceptions like this happen any more.

really bad for us this circumstance

would we have the exam correction in order to prepare for the retake exam?

The bonus points were not the real problem, but rather our interpretation of a potential way to balance this years problems. With all due respect, saying that there was a problem and it was dealt with as best as possible does not acknowledge that we had a serious disadvantage this year due to these problems.

Its the same with the not corrected homework and then saying that “We are just human”. It is true, but it doesnt change the fact that we have to bear the consequences in our grades, while others got their correction and didnt have this disadvantage.

If it were something that nothing could be done about, then I agree that we would have to endure it, as that is what life is often about. But it is possible to compensate for these manmade disadvantages by adjusting the grades, because we are also just human and we are most vulnerable to these unforeseen hindrances, as we have no way to avoid them, but still have to pay for them.

I hope that this didnt sound too pathetic, but it is hard to not be frustrated after all the effort that we have invested.

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