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I think it would be generally appreciated if it might possible to be a bit more generous with the grades/points than originally intended, due to the considerable noise pollution by Sabine and the exam distribution mishap, which made it considerably more difficult to concentrate, despite the small time bonus.


Additionally, to start with just 3 exercises felt like a disadvantage. Time was tight and it would have been better to start with the exercises that are easy or that give a lot of points.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thats what I meant with “exam distribution mishap”, which I admit, wasn’t very specific.

Is the Bonus still avaiable in the Klausur next Semester?
Btw its not ok not to correct all the exercises and also make the klausure harder. Its ok to make it more difficult but pls correct our exercise then. The circumstances befor and at the klausure where very bad this yeahr so i hope next klausure there will be less confusion.