Questions regarding exam

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Questions regarding exam
Hello there,

the question has been raised multiple times already, but as far as I know there hasn’t been a definite answer to this: Will it be okay to use the Fitch notation in the exam?

Also, I have another question regarding First Order Resolution: In the lecture slides, there were inference rules given to transform a first order formula into its CNF.
In „Grundlagen der Logik in der Informatik“ we used the skolem normal form of a formula for resolution by following these steps:

  1. Negate formula
  2. Transform formula into its prenex normal form
  3. Transform formula into its skolem normal form
  4. Transform resulting formula into CNF
  5. Do resolution

I’m pretty sure that the inference rules transforming a first order formula into its CNF are doing the same thing, but is it ok (for the homework/in the exam) to do skolemization by simply doing this in one step without the explicit use of inference rules:

Thanks in advance for a reply.

Yes, this is also ok. See also here.

1 „Gefällt mir“

I said multiple times: concepts are more important than syntactic ideosyncrasies, so:

yes, (even though I do not like it) it will be OK to use Fitch notation in the exam. But please make sure that you use the ND rules from the AI course, they may differ from the ones taught in other courses (especially around the area of falseI and notE).

Michael Kohlhase

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you for the quick replies!


Wird die Klausur am 10.02.20 eine Überhangsklausur sein (so wie WS 2018-19)?
Werden die Aufgabenbereiche analog bepunktet?
Oder wird sich die Punkteverteilung dieses Jahr verändern (mehr Punkte auf Prolog/weniger auf Planning)?

Ich verstehe das Wort überhangklausur nicht.
Wenn das heißt, dass es Bonuspunkte gibt, dann ist die Antwort “ja”.

Über die genaue Punkteverteilung ziwichen den Themen will ich keine Angaben machen.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort!

Mit Überhang meine ich:
“You can reach 80 points if you solve all problems. You will only need 55
points for a perfect score, i.e. 25 points are bonus points.” (WS 18/19)

Wird dies wieder der Fall sein?

Not to this extent; there will probably be about 5 bonus points.

Will the solutions to the last assignments be published before the exam?
And - Is it ok to ask whether there are topics which are not included in the exam?

I uploaded some of the solutions yesterday, including with assignment 13. I will do my best to type up the missing solutions from 12 and 13 soon.

As the professor said, any topic covered by including today can appear on the exam.

as I could not attend the last lecture due to overlaps, could you please tell us the last topic or slide that has been covered?

Everything until the end of the slides was covered.

Hello I have two short questions,

  1. Does it play a role in a resolution task, if quantifiers are out and within a term, if we first pull all quantifiers out to build the “Prenexform” and skolomize than or if we just take care first of all of the outside/global quantifiers (universal as well as existential), make substitution (variables for universal quantifiers and functions for existential quantifiers) and use afterwards the rules from side 427 to eliminate the inner quantifiers?

  2. If we have already the “Prenexform” and want to eliminate the existential quantifier are the free variables which will be in the function only the new variables of the already eliminated universal quantifiers or also the free unbounded variables in the term after all the quantifiers?

Thanks in advance!

(1) Pulling out the quantifiers first is fine, as long as the problem doesn’t specifically ask you to use the CNF transformation calculus.

(2) The variables that go into the function are all of the free variables in the term.

Cheers, Katja