Today's Notebooks Uploaded

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Today’s Notebooks Uploaded
Dear all,

I’ve uploaded today’s notebooks to a repository on our gitlab server.
You should be able to find them here:
I’ve added a lot of comments etc.

The README explains how you can get the GF kernel (but we can also discuss these things in the lecture).
The official website of the Grammatical Framework is
There, you can also find a tutorial installation instructions.

Best regards,

Btw, feel free to post in this forum if you have any questions (including technical problems).

Problem in Jupyter Notebook
Hi Frederik,

I downloaded GF and did all the stuff as described. But in jupyter notebook the kernel dies and starts over and over again.

In terminal it is written “Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird: ‘C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp4iyqyp54\shell.out’”

Do you have any idea about what I do wrong?


Hi Pelin,

sorry for the late response. I must have missed the notification.

I’m not sure what exactly causes the problem. However, you seem to be using Windows, and unfortunately the GF kernel doesn’t work on Windows.
We’re looking into ways to fix that at the moment (and I’ll let you know when there is some progress).

You could try to run Jupyter in the Windows subsystem for Linux as described e.g. (of course you will still have to install the GF kernel).


Problem in Jupyter Notebook
It worked, thank you.