Passing and grading of the exam

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Passing and grading of the exam
Hi there,

I have a question concerning the grading and passing of the exam. I didn’t submit any assignments, because I had already quite the full schedule this semester and I thought bonus points don’t affect passing the exam - just the grading after you have passed.

That’s why I actually find this sentence in “Organisatorisches” a bit confusing:
“Sie können 75 Punkte erreichen, wenn Sie alle Aufgaben lösen. Allerdings zählen 125 Punkte bereits als volle Punktzahl, d.h. -50 Punkte sind Bonuspunkte.”

So if 125 points (including bonus points) are the full score, does that mean the grade 1.0 doesn’t start at 75 points? Is the threshold for passing the exam (let’s say ~50%) applied to 75 Points or 125 points? I hope the former is the case, otherwise i need to get ~65 points out of 75 just to pass the exam…


I have no idea how that sentence is computed, but in actuality we don’t know the number of points in the exam, since I didn’t create the exam yet. So you can safely ignore those numbers (I’m guessing they’re automatically generated).

It is also true that bonus points don’t affect passing the exam - they will only be added if your points in the exam exceed the passing threshold. You can only improve your grade with bonus points.

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