Assignment 05 solution

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Assignment 05 solution
Since some asked, here is my solution (in Scala) for Assignment 05.

Remark: That code is two years old; please don’t ask me what went through my head when I named [m]querynodes[/m] and [m]queryvalues[/m]… :smiley:

def queryScala(network:Network,node:Node,evidence:List[(Node,Boolean)]) : Double = {
    val allnodes = network.getNodes.toList
    val querynodes =
    val queryvalues =
    val hiddens = allnodes.filter(n => n!=node && !querynodes.contains(n))

    /** Takes a list of nodes and returns the list of all possible boolean assignments
    def allPossibleValuesOf(ns : List[Node]) : List[List[scala.Boolean]] =
      ns.foldRight[List[List[scala.Boolean]]](List(Nil))((n, ls) => => true :: l) ::: => false :: l))

    // for all possible assigments to the query variables... (yields the non-normalized distribution)
    val predistribution = List(true,false).map(value => {
      // for all possible assignments to the hidden variables... (these will be summed up)
      allPossibleValuesOf(hiddens).map(hiddenvalues => {

        /** Returns the boolean value of node n given the current
          * assignments to hidden/query-variables
          * @return true or false
        def getValue(n : Node) : scala.Boolean = if (n == node) value // the queried node is always true
          else if (querynodes contains n) queryvalues(querynodes indexOf n) // n is a query node; look up in queryvalues
          else hiddenvalues(hiddens indexOf n) // n is a hidden variable; look up in hiddenvalues

        /** Returns the actual conditional probability of n given the
          * current assignment to the parents
          * @return P(+/-n|parents(n))
        def prob(n : Node) : Double = {
          val parentvalues = // get the current assignment for all parent nodes
          val p = n.getProb( => toJava(b)).toArray/*(new Array(parentvalues.length)*/) // get the probability for n
          if(getValue(n)) p else 1.0 - p // return p or (1-p), depending on the value of n
        },b) => a*b) // we multiply all the individual conditional probabilities
      }).sum // ...and sum over all assignments to the hidden variables

    val alpha = 1.0 / predistribution.sum

    val distribution = * alpha)
