Question about Assignment 2 (SS19)

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Question about Assignment 2 (SS19)
Hi all,
I have a question regarding problem 2.3.
I’m not quite sure about the formulation of the problem.
Is the either … or… exclusive or not?
For instance, assuming all six elements were operational, does the apparatus work?


It is inclusive. Imagine a current running through the system. There needs to be a path from input to output (through the individual elements) for the system to work. If an element is not operational, that path is „blocked“. There only needs to be some path from input to output for it to work (drawing a diagram might help)

Yes; in that case there are three possible paths: through A and B, through C and D, and through E and F.


thank you very much for the answer and the explanation. That’s what I was thinking. Just wanted to make sure :slight_smile:

Just an idea I would like to raise: Maybe for coming semesters, the term either should be replaced by at least. I guess that is what you actually want to express.

Kind regards,

Fair enough. I’ve rephrased it; when I next upload the assignments.pdf, it will say „at least“ :smiley: