Hilfsmittel für die Klausur?

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Hilfsmittel für die Klausur?
Dürfen wir in der Klausur irgendwelche Hilfsmittel, wie z.B. Taschenrechner verwenden?

No. No calculators are allowed OR needed, in fact.
What you’re allowed to bring is: non-crunchy foods, drinks, plush toys :wink:

Is there a maximum allowed number or size for plush toys? :wink:

theoretically no; pragmatically yes. I’ll rely on your good faith here :smiley:

Let me parse this as „(No calculators are allowed) OR (needed, in fact.)“ and pick the second disjunctive term :smiley:

2 „Gefällt mir“

And your parser doesn’t immediately throw an error, given that “needed, in fact” is not a syntactically well-formed proposition? That’s just bad syntactical ambiguity resolution :stuck_out_tongue:

1 „Gefällt mir“