Resolution - popular error

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Resolution - popular error
Since I’m not sure this was pointed out in the lecture explicitly, but it has been an issue every year for many students:

Assume we have two clauses {A,-B} and {-A,B} - can I resolve both literals in one step and conclude an empty clause directly? If so/not, why (not)? :wink:

waves hand vigorusly
does not wait for a response

No, because resolving {A,-B} and {-A,B} to an empty clause would mean that this term is unsatisfiable. However, since {A,-B} and {-A,B} actually means (A or -B) and (-A or B), which is satisfiable (Model: A = true, B = true), resolving to empty clause would be wrong.

classroom cheers

5 points for Gryffindor!

1 „Gefällt mir“

The purely syntactical answer:
Resolving {A,-B} and {-A,B} gets us {A,-A} and {B,-B}, and now we cannot get any new resolvents.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Great, I had hoped for exactly these two (semantic and syntactic) explanations :slight_smile:

Vor uns liegen dunkle, schwere Zeiten Harry. Schon bald müssen wir uns entscheiden zwischen dem richtigen Weg und dem leichten.

1 „Gefällt mir“