Hard Choices at ownCloud EFSS vs FSS

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Hard Choices at ownCloud EFSS vs FSS
Hey there,
iI would like to think that the size of the Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing(EFSS) market can be calculated as 70% of 400$ Million.
The case study reads:
“In terms of FSS market size, in 2014, with annualized revenue of over US$400 million[…]business spendings accounted for 70 per cent of the total market.”
So the basis of my calculation would only be valid if EFSS can be considered a part of FSS and are not considered something else entirely.
Is the EFSS market a part of the FSS market? And since i am having some trouble solving this case do i even need information about the market sizes or is it wrong to assume that numbers about market sizes and potential profits might be useful for this case as well?

Thank you for your help and have a good one,