General question regarding the exam

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General question regarding the exam
Hi, so I just want to have it public here on the forum:

Is it valid to assume that the focus in the exam will be on topics that were covered by the assignments?
This assumption of mine includes that questions on topics that were not covered by the assignments will be rather general, as e.g. “Define Explanation based Learning in 2 Sentences”.

Another question:
Are we allowed to answer the questions in German although the questions are asked in English??

Yes you can do that. But beware, you may have difficulties doing that, since we only have the vocab in English.

I would not put it as strongly, there is certainly a correlation between homework topics and exam topics, but for you to focus on homework topics, will bear a definite risk of being under-prepared.

Is it possible to tell us the exact, official time of the exam? Or are there still some negotiations with the Prüfungsamt? Last thing I know is that 14:00 was planned but not confirmed.

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14:00 is approved by the PA by now. Sorry for the confusion

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