Will there be coding in the exam?

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Will there be coding in the exam?
I know this might be a silly question, but to what extent will neuronal networks be covered in the exam? The past exams provided by Jazzpirate don’t contain any NN-related problems and all NN-related exercises issued this semester were programming exercises exclusively. Does this mean that we will be required to write code in the exam as well? Will the exam contain any NN-specific problems at all? :huh:

Thanks in advance.

Not quite true; one of them contains e.g. the question what overfitting means and why we want to avoid it. I think that gives you a good picture on what kind of questions we might ask concerning neural nets.

No! At most you will be required to explain how an algorithm works or proceeds, where pseudocode is a legitimate answer.

Very likely; though Neural Nets tend to be one of those areas where it’s hard to come up with problems that are solvable given the constraints of an exam setting (time, pen-on-paper etc). So I for now propose that it’s probably(!) safe to assume that problems in this area will be purely knowledge-based questions, as the one above.

I am not totaly aware of the current exam. However if NNs are subject of the exam (and only if), then you will not have to program the whole NN, but maybe just a small piece of code. But you should be prepared for some NN-related questions, even though this is not the „favorite exam subject“, you still should not exclude it from your preparation.

So in short: If there are some questions about NN, then only a small amount.

Edit: Oh Dennis was faster, meeh :confused: