Doing HW without Fossology

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Doing HW without Fossology
I have tried every hint in this forum and have still been unable to install the software. An alternative would be to do it manually, however I am unsure how I would go about doing this. Several of my colleagues are in a similar situation and would like to know as well. Can anyone elaborate on how one would find and solve these issues, and how the generated reports look?

your help is greatly appreciated (by all of us)!

As noone has answered my question in, I have to assume that the objective of this course is learning how to use crapsoftware. Doing it yourself would require creative thinking and is not in the scope of university education.

Doing it by hand is hard, admittedly, because the goal was to use FOSSology.

As a consequence, we do not have step-wise instructions at hand on how to do so.

If you decide to go this way, I suggest you invent your own format for a file-mapping table, where you list files and their license and identify conflicts, if any.

Please note that if you do it by hand, you should make it easy for us to verify your work as it will not be as easy to do this as with FOSSology. So make sure you provide plenty of links that let us verify your identifications etc.