Homework CW #03: structured analysis of [H+04]

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Homework CW #03: structured analysis of [H+04]
hey everyone,

Does anyone know how to handle the headlines in the text. Do I include them into the structured analysis as they are and therefore, have a structured analysis for each headline in the text or do I ignore them and handle the text as if there are no headlines. As the example text is not structured by headlines I couldn’t figure it out myself.

Thanks in advance


just following the headline structure and summarizing each section in a few bullet items is not sufficient for the structured analysis.

That is not to say, that headlines can not appear in in your structured analysis as well. The Hevner paper for instance presents seven guidelines which all have their own (sub-) heading. It makes sense that your structured analysis also contains a list of these 7 headlines somewhere in your hierarchy.

Hope this answers your question.
