CW #1

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CW #1
Hi guys,

I had to leave early last week so I missed the part where the homework was explained. I am not quite sure what is meant with an ad-hoc summary. I can’t find any slides about it.
Do we have to make some bulletpoints which summarize the article [T+14] or should we write full sentences? Is there a specific Format we should use?

Best regards,


Dear JumpinMD,

if it helps, ignore the “ad-hoc” qualification of the summary. Just write a summary (full sentences).

The point is, that this exercise is different from using a method for structuring the concepts in a hierarchical fashion as is required in future homework exercises and is explained in the (video-)lecture B04 which you need to watch in the upcoming week, but feel free to take a look at the content ahead of time :wink:

Kind Regards,