Class Quiz 24.01.

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Class Quiz 24.01.
Sadly I couldnt go to the lecture today so I don’t know if this was already discussed in the exercises, but for me two points came up in today’s Quiz.

Firstly in the question: “Please select all valid statements about publishing.”
the answer “The impact factor measures a journal’s impact as the number of citations of the papers published within it.” is marked as correct.
Even though we learned that it is the average number of citations per paper of the journal. Else a very long journal which just amasses papers would have the highest impact factor. So I think in the wording the answer is currently in, it should be marked as wrong, or at least points should be awarded to people who marked it as wrong as well.

Secondly in the question: “Please select all valid statements about the conclusions section of a research paper.”
the answer “In a ten page conference paper, the conclusions section should usually not be longer than half a page.” is marked asorrect. I think that is very confusing since in all your graphics the conclusion part should take up 2-10% which would mean, that a conclusion of one page length is clearly ok as well. Can you please clarify on that or change the wording for future participants?

Thanks for pointing this out. I recognize the ambiguity and will discount both questions. As to the impact factor, I think we originally chose a weasel word ('measure") rather than a precise word (“is a”) to allow for this more coarse-grain statement but it is obviously confusing. A conclusions section of 1 page length I have never seen but we’ll probably drop the possible answer here in total.