Problem 8.1

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Problem 8.1
Refresher 8.1:
Show that all logical binary connectives (¬,∧,∨,⇒,⇔) can be expressed by the ↓ (nor) connective…

The ¬ (not) operator is unary right?
The way the problem is put suggests that not is a binary connective.
Should we show that not can be expressed by nor?

Yes :slight_smile:

no, it does not :wink: arrgh, now I understand. Damn, yes, it does suggest that, but also yes, it is unary.

You can try to show that, but you’ll fail, because it can :wink: damn negations :smiley:

Point being: „not“ can be expressed purely in terms of „nor“, as the exercise suggests, but as you accurately said, it is unary, not binary :wink: