Tool for learning / doing Proofs in Natural Deduction

Bob Atkey to the Rescue!

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Tool for learning / doing Proofs in Natural Deduction
Hey everyone!

Since we’re finally doing Logic (wheee! \o/) and the current exercise sheet includes a problem on Natural Deduction, I wanted to share this neat little tool by Bob Atkey with you:

You enter a formula in propositional logic and it lets you prove them by structuring your proof trees and highlighting which inference rules are applicable for a given goal.
Think of it as your first (?) little interactive proof assistant. :smiley:

I hope this helps. If you have questions, feels free to contact your tutors or write here.

Don’t forget to be awesome!

P,S,; I spoke with Dennis and he’s fine with me sharing this tool since it doesn’t do the work for you, it just helps you ahem verify your proofs!

Dazu kann ich nur sagen:

Sorry, aber ich musste das unbedingt los werden! :smiley:

4 „Gefällt mir“

Obligatory joke is obligatry. :wink:


(Just making sure that you, the students of this term, are also aware of this neat tool :wink: )

EDIT It seems the tool is somewhat broken, as I can not enter my own formula … :frowning: