NYT WS 2017

Homework papers

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NYT WS 2017

Could you please let me know where
I can find the papers [T14], [F74] and [D+79]?


I can’t find the course reader link in slide deck A01 from StudOn either. However:

Course literature: https://goo.gl/Hn5Prr + Google =

[T14] http://ubiquity.acm.org/article.cfm?id=2590529
[F74] http://calteches.library.caltech.edu/3043/1/CargoCult.pdf
[D+79] https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=359106 (PDF download works from the Computer Science CIP-Pool)

We made a mistake, I’m sorry. Please check again, the link is in Slide Deck A01, Slide 14. I also put it into the Course Index now.


Where can we find the links to the crowdgrader assignments to submit the homework? I’ve checked on the course index and in lecture slides and can’t seem to find anything about crowdgrader.

The sign-up/registration links are in the Course Schedule spreadsheet, reachable through Course Index.

Homework assignment
Sorry, this is probably an obvious question, but I can’t find the homework assignments.

It is not in crowdgrader and I can’t find it in the slides, can someone give me a hint? :slight_smile:

Homework is in slide deck A02 Course Schedule


is it possible that the instructor fee for crowdgrader has not been paid yet?
I followed the link, but instead of being able to submit my homework the site asked for money.

Thanks in advance

Thanks for pointing this out; I just paid for it. I thought we had long done this for this semester.


when will our homework be graded, and where do we find the grade for each assignments?
Will it be at “Instructor’s Review” in the link “Your submission” in CrowdGrader?

We will grade at the end of the semester.

reviewing the homework of other students
how does reviewing of other student’s summaries work?
Does it involve an online platform?

It is actually all on crowdgrader, what I did not realize at first :slight_smile:

Deadline reviews
[s]What is the deadline for the reviews?

I was under the impression that you have time until next class, but it says “The review period is now closed.”. Am I doing something wrong in Crowdgrader or did I just miss the deadline?[/s]

eidt: Found it in the slides :slight_smile:

We opened reviews for an additional week because of the confusion the use of the word “week” caused with an undefined “in-between” week. I maintain that it is better that do the reviews quickly when you remember your own homework and to give feedback fast rather than wait but both interpretations were possible. The next iteration of the slides will remove this possible confusion.

NYT WS17 #04 - 2017-11-08

Could you please let me know where I can find “how to do Structured analysis” for the next assignment?

Also, this is the format for naming our assignment, is it not?


See Course Index > Tutorials and Examples (Student Materials)

The file naming is correct (though it doesn’t really matter any more.)

See Course Index > Tutorials and Examples (Student Materials)

Thank you! But I only found the youtube video for adhoc summary in this.
Is it the same for structured analysis?

I think it is found in B04 page 6-7 und 10.

Structured Analysis clarification question
Just to clarify, is a structured analysis the “Step 2” part of the Summary Process then? Or is it all the steps?

Nevermind, just saw in the slide deck that it’s Steps 1-2.