NYT WS1718

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NYT WS1718

I already read that this semester there won’t be an online lecture hall.
Does this mean you just won’t have the points for participation and still have the possibility to pass with good assignments? Or is there actual no way to pass the course while not being present?


Dear Stringo,

thanks for your question. I know this question is relevant to other students as well, since I have answered it more than once via email already. :wink:

yes, this year there is no lecturing though adobe connect, sorry.
There will be no points for participating in the lecture, although we do appreciate active participation when we have a live lecture. However we will require active participation in the homework discussion. For this you would need to be present. This takes up the first half of the in-class session, usually.
There will also be StudOn quizzes on the content of the last session. You could do that from home as well. They are only available during the first 10 minutes of the class session, though.

Breaking down the points you need to get for a perfect score into three main categories:

  • StudOn quizzes: 20%
  • Active participation in homework discussion: 20%
  • Homework assignments: 60%

This means that you can still get a reasonably good grade if you can’t be there every session. If you can’t be there at all you could theoretically still pass, but I would not reccomend doing that. Although we have recordings for much of the lecture content on our youtube channel, that is not the case for all lecture content.


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