CW11 - Submit written review of [R+16]

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CW11 - Submit written review of [R+16]

I just want to make sure that I am on the right track with the upcoming submission “Submit written review of [R+16]”.
What exactly do you want us to review? Should we just elaborate the three points (What I like about the homework?, What do you think is missing in terms of concepts, insights?, What can the author do better next time?) or should we try to criticise the methods used, the founding or the paper in general?

Please send some help and guidance! :slight_smile:
Thank you and kind regards.


the reviewing exercise should mimic a review that a peer reviewer would write when being asked to evaluate a paper submitted for publication in a journal/conference. So just imagine an editor of a journal would ask you to give a recommendation of whether to accept or reject [R+16], give reasoning for that reccomendation and if you find flaws in the paper give specific advice to the author how to address your concerns.

I have uploaded a review guideline on studon

Hope that clarifies the exercise for you.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Thank you Andreas.
You are a saint!

Hello everyone,

the how-to instructions are available on Youtube and through Course Index → Tutorials

The uploaded file is identical with what you find there.

For this semester it is too late but I updated the slides for next semester to be more clear.

Cheers, Dirk

1 „Gefällt mir“

Dear Prof Riehle,

The tutorial link for “research paper review example” is unfortunately blank,
Could you please provide the youtube link ?

I have read the instructions posted on studon and will refer to them for review exercises between cw11-13. I will appreciate if you could also let us know whether there is a page limit for review exercises. Are we limited to max 1 or 2 pages? or is there no page limit ?

Kind Regards

Please use what Andreas has provided on StudOn. The original material in the now empty folder was more comprehensive, including a solution to a future homework.

If we have Youtube videos, they are on our Youtube channel (look at the play lists).

Hello, the guide does not mention anything regarding the number of pages. Is there any restriction or requirement regarding that?
From reading the guide I assume the review can be summarized in 1 - 2 pages but I would like to confirm this from your side.

Where to find [R+16]?
Hello everyone!

Unfortunately I can’t find the text [R+16] in the GoogleDrive where the other research papers are.

Where can I find the[R+16] text?

Thank you in advance.

Ok a friend send me the link already.

If somebody else is in the same situation, here the link:

One page please.