Case Question in second case study

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Case Question in second case study
I am a bit uncertain about the second part of the case question:

"Explain the Note Taking feature and your choice of design."

As I understand it, this would mean after explaining the feature as implemented by immowelt, I would explain how I would have designed the feature.
Mainly according to the best practices in the additional case concepts and experience.
Is this correct?


Yes, first explain the feature as presented in the case and the your design choice.

One page or two pages?
Follow up question on the case study #02:

Are we supposed to answer the case question on one or two pages?
During the last case discussion the consideration to switch to two pages to give us more space was shortly mentioned.

Thanks in advance,


Yes, up to two (reasonable) pages.

1 „Gefällt mir“

In order not to misunderstand the task with the case study on “User Experience Design at Immowelt” , I will be very happy if you could make some clarifications.

The Case Question is: “Explain the Note Taking feature and your choice of design”.

However the text and the case study is rather explaining the methods used by Immowelt on User-Experience-Design and the final and the most optimal design reached through an agile development process.

Should we now summarize the User Experience Design methods and processes used by Immowelt to develop the Note-Taking Feature? or explain only the functionality of the Note-Taking feature?

Also the case study does not offer us choices among several designs, but rather shows some designs which were already discarded during the pre-development process or through the years by following User Experience Design processes. Finally the latest design version is reached which is thought to be the best one. Therefore I am also confused what is meant in the case question by “explain your choice of design”.

Also I believe we are not expected to make a business or market size study or business model canvas?

Thanks in advance

  1. The question is indeed: Summarize the feature (succinctly).

  2. Yes, the different figures represent the different available choices. If you agree with the choice of Teschner, you will still have to explain why.

1 „Gefällt mir“

case study #2
Is it compulsory to choose from the available designs or we can explain a new one as well ?