Product Planning Documents

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Product Planning Documents

the spreadsheet “Release Plan” of the Flowers Project contains a “Dev Speed” column. But the planning document template does not contain such a column. Should we add the Dev Speed?

Best regards,


You may want to do this once we cover this topic in class.


some more questions:

What does the column “rel” mean? Relevance? Is there a concrete scaling needed or is “high”, “medium”, “low” sufficient?
What is the difference between Definition of Done established and Definiton of Done applied?
What does “upcoming product release is specified” and “required build process has been definied” mean?

Are you talking about the capabilities time-line?



Many “capabilities” cannot be understand before we discussed them in class, so definition of done was not yet discussed so I’m not expecting you to do it right.

I don’t see a column “rel” in the capabilities time-line.

Difference between established and applied is that you sat down and agreed on a definition (established) and that you are actually using it (applied).

Upcoming product release is specified means that you performed product release planning properly.

Required build process defined is part of DoD and means that your DoD criteria specify a build process (not just run it from your IDE).



‘Rel’ is in the planning artefact and it is the ‘release number’. Use the major releases (mid-term, final) instead of the sprint releases; the sprint in which a task is completed is already clear in the sprint # column.

Thank you for your answers!

I have another question:

When should we start to plan the final release? Right now or after the midterm release?

You should be able to derive it from the schedule documents; I can’t take a look right now. I think by the time of the midterm release, we also require your cut at the final release plan, but again, verify against the schedule document. Finally, please remember that the release plan is a living document, so changes are acceptable.