IEEE Signal Processing Cup

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IEEE Signal Processing Cup
Hi everybody,

we are looking for bachelor students who would like to join our team for participating in the IEEE Signal Processing Cup, which is about Heart Rate Monitoring During Physical Exercise Using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmographic (PPG). A detailed description can be found on the organizer’s website.

The bi-weekly meeting will take place on Wednesday 10 am, starting at November 5th. So we already had two meetings, but we can bring you up to date.
We need students who are willing to put effort in this project. Of cause it is possible to earn ECTS credits out of this project, e.g. 2.5 extra if you heard Signal Processing. If we win the cup, three members can fly to Brisbane and present our work at the conference.

If you are interested, please contact Heike Leutheuser (Digital Sports Group):