warfile did not deploy, lib folder missing

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warfile did not deploy, lib folder missing
Hi other teams,

as we faced problems creating a .war file during the last sprint, I would like to ask you on behalf of my team, what your process of creating a .war file looks like.

We from Team 3 basically followed the instructions in the lecture associated with the artifact-downloader in Eclipse for JEE. Then we exported the .rar file (in our case instead of Android .apk, but thats a different story) to a .war file. But unfortunately, the /lib/ folder was missing - and we don’t know why…

Did you face similiar problems with the /lib/ folder? Why could this be missing?
Team 3


you were the team that visited me yesterday afternoon, right? Did you post this before or after you came to me, in other words: Is your problem solved or are you still having difficulties?


Hi Hannes,

yes we are the ones, but the problem still persists.

We copied the lib-folder from the repository of another team for this sprint, to be able to release at least something as the libraries were still missing when we followed the given process…
We don’t know why this is still happening, so we wanted to know about the process of the other teams to maybe detect our (?) errors although we are following the instructions given in the lecture.


if you’re doing it on a laptop you can come by my office and I have a look at it, should you not find a solution.
