Welcome to AMOS, the Agile Methods and Open Source course forum

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Welcome to AMOS, the Agile Methods and Open Source course forum
Please use this forum for student discussions (in any given year).

Administrative questions please ask in the super-forum’s year-specific thread for AMOS.

Questions are welcome in both English and German.

Group Swap
Is somebody willing to do Cloud Computing for me?

Actually I wanted to do CroudTrip or Personalfragebogen, but was assigned to Cloud Computing.

I am a software developer.

Sure, why not (since cloud computing at datev was also one of my favorites). Im in Personalfragebogen and sent you a personal message. If Dirk reads this too, he might aswell just swap us now.

Is somebody willing to do “Elektrobit - Spice Traceability” for me?

I wanted to do CroudTrip, but was assigned to “Elektrobit - Spice Traceability”.

I am a software developer.

CroudTrip was the crowd favorite, with many wanting to take it. So I think your chances of switching are better if you also ask for other projects or make clear what you are looking for. --Dirk

I want to develop with Android, that’s why… :confused:

There are three projects which involve an element of Android development, according to the course technologies overview: projects 2, 4 and 5. The Elektrobit/CroudTrip application (project 2) was of great interest, but perhaps you can find someone from DATEV/Personalfragebogen or Develop Group/Cross Platform teams who would like to switch.