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====== <subject> <number of ECTS> ECTS Prüfung <date yyyy-mm-dd> ======

<change the link below accordingly to where you saved your wiki page>

===== Meta Information =====
  * Subject: <subject> <number of ECTS>, <term, e.g. WS yy/yy or SS yy>
  * Date: <date yy-mm-dd>
  * Type of Exam: <oral/written/multiple choice/StudOn exam>
  * Examiner: <full names of examiners>
  * Grade: <your grade if you wish to disclose>
  * Undergone Preparation
    * <free text, e.g. answer: How much did you study? Had you been actively collaborating throughout the semester, e.g. in lecture and/or exercises? Which parts of the lecture have you skipped? Would you recommend your preparation style?>
  * Evaluation <free text, below are sample questions>
    * <How was the atmosphere? Relaxed? Nervous? Did you feel time pressure?> 
    * <Did you find the exam and grading fair?>
    * <How did the examiners want you to answer things? In technical subjects, were precise pin-pointing answers expected or were sketches (and displaying more conceptual understanding) okay?>
    * <Have there been any things that took you by surprise?>

===== Exam =====

==== <topic X> ====

* <question from examiner>

> <your answer>

* <another question from examiner>

> <another answer of yours>

==== <topic Y> ====

* <question from examiner>

> <your answer>

* <another question from examiner>

> <another answer of yours>

Als kleine Hilfe:

  • Prüfungsfach?
  • Prüfer?
  • Wie verlief der Einstieg in die Prüfung?
  • Welche Fragen wurden dir in der Prüfung gestellt?
  • Welche Antworten hast du gegeben bzw. welche wollte der Prüfer/die Prüferin hören?
  • Wie genau sollten die Antworten sein?
  • Gab es Besonderheiten? Hat dich etwas überrascht?
  • Wie war die Stimmung? Wie wirkte der Prüfer/die Prüferin?
  • Wie und wie lange hast du dich auf diese Prüfung vorbereitet?
  • Kannst du deinen „Vorbereitungsstil“ weiterempfehlen?