Examiner: Prof. Rüde

Grade: 1.0

Note: There were no exam protocols for this subject before my exam, so I created my own trainer for ANLA with 138 questions. It covers the lectures 1-15, as these are crucial for understanding the rest of the book. Take a look at it at http://kilians.net/trainers/anla/.

Atmosphere: Prof. Rüde was very kind, it was a relaxed atmosphere. He directly started with the first question. He did not focus on formulas, but on the general understanding of the concepts.


Gerschgorin’s Theorem (from exercises)


Least Squares

Eigenvalue Algorithms (the questions all referred to the lectures “Eigenvalue Problems” to “Reduction to Hessenberg Form” in the Book)

Preparation for the exam: I read the book (“Numerical Linear Algebra” by Trefethen and Bau) from lecture 1 to 31 a couple of times. I tried to fully understand the chapters 1-15 and 24-27. I understood the basic concepts of the lectures 16-23 and 28-31. Although Prof. Rüde covered 1-38 in the lectures, this was the optimal preparation.