First he wanted me to give an overview over the topics of the lecture by drawing a mindmap Then he wanted me to explain the Perceptron => Schematic => XOR → MLP => Universal Function Approx => Multiple Layer: Deep Learning Name a loss functions that we discussed? => L2 for regression, CE for classification, both optimal wrt. MLE => Derivation for L2 by assuming Gauss How does the network learn now? => Backpropagation + gradient descend => Chain rule: Multiplication of gradients + weight update => Exploding/vanishing gradients What other method did we use to encode the Information? (Not quite sure about the wording here) => Activation Functions: Sigmoid/Tanh → ReLU => prevent vanishing gradients What about Dying ReLU? => Leaky ReLU What is an regularization alternative fighting the internal covariate shift? => Batchnormalization Can you draw and explain the LSTM structure? What are GANs? => Generator vs Discriminator trained by MiniMax There was a problem called Mode Collapse, please explain it. => TODO => D focuses only on one feature → G also Can you explain Cycle Consistent GANs? => Principle(trainiable inverse mapping) + combined loss function explained What is an Autoencoder? => Encoder-Decoder => Undertetermined AE + Sparse AE What is common for U-Net and Autoencoder? Whats the difference? => Same: Encoder-Decoder structure => Different: (Conv Layer), but mainly skip connections How good would U-Net be in comparison to the AE? => thanks to the skip connections it could basically copy the input